Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The World At Night (TWAN)

From Dr. Jess:
(one of my instructors who taught me in Summer School...when I was renewing my certificate.....back in the day..... I made an A)
TWAN is a great web site for observing the night sky. TWAN has postetwan.jpgd a number of unusually beautiful images of the night sky. Many of the pictures utilize a long exposure image. The shutter of the camera is manually opened over a relatively long period of time to expose the medium. They describe it as….
The World At Night (TWAN) is a program to produce and present a collection of stunning photographs and time-lapse videos of the world’s landmarks against the celestial attractions.” They have tutorials on how to recreate some of the stunning visual effects that sky photography allows. One of the unusual aspects of this site is that all of the photographs require a backdrop that is of a historical site. These sites can be man made or of natural origin. (Such as a rock outcrop like Devil’s Tower) I can look at these sites and imagine myself in those places. A very quick travel trip.

This would be great for a summer camp-out in the back yard, too!

Thanks, Dr. Jess!
~~Your former student,

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