Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lure of the Labyrinth

Lure of the Labyrinth is a wonderful math instructional tool for prealgebra and algebra students. It is not drill and practice with a fun time out. The math is one of the most fun parts of the game. It is embedded in a strong story line that engages students in an eerie world where monsters want world domination at any cost.

The best thing I noticed is what is available on the For Educators tab! There is a Game Handbook, Lesson Plans, and videos with discussion of real teachers telling how they used it in their classroom. The links to standards are available there too!

In the tab "Math in each puzzle," there is a break down of 3 skill in each puzzle with a pdf linked to each one. (So even a non-math person can get up-to-speed.)

Thanks to my colleague Sue (still a math teacher, at heart) for guiding me to this great online math resource!

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