Thursday, January 15, 2009

TN History

TN History for Kids is an outstanding website for teachers and students looking for interesting facts about Tennessee History and Civics.
"Most public school students in Tennessee have no Tennessee history or civics textbook, even though students in about half of the grades are required to learn parts of the subject every school year. Because of this, it is more important than ever that students have a place to go for information on Tennessee history."

Nashville author Bill Carey for the purpose of improving this situation. Step one was to research, write, and produce this web site. It is a winner! They have stayed up-to-date this week with all the "happenings" in TN state government's excitement.

Currently you can get a free DVD by paying shipping. It has some great movie clips of twelve "video field trips." It is worth the time to persue this website. All TN citizens would enjoy it. Students doing research on TN History or places to visit will find it a treasure trove of interesting information. Thanks, Bill Carey!

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