Internet Growth Follows Moore's Law Too
The Internet will double in size every 5.32 year! I remember studying Moore's Law in my Master's studies. This is a thougt provoking opinion.Think on that...How will that change the world of information?? I always like to see students what students write on the 100th day of school on the theme "What will it be like to live 100 years from now?" Think back to 1909. Wow! The world has changed. Think ahead 5 1/2 years... how will our world change? Below is a snippet of the article...
Internet map as of 16th January. Image: Internet Mapping Project, Bell Labs/Lumeta Corporation
( -- Originally, Moore’s Law described the number of transistors that can fit on an integrated circuit, which doubles approximately every 18 months. Now, a team of researchers from China has discovered that Moore’s Law can also describe the growth of the Internet. In a recent study, the researchers have predicted that the Internet will double in size every 5.32 years.
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