Saturday, February 14, 2009

Twenty-first Century Skills

Yesterday, Friday the 13th was a great day for me! One teacher successfully finished and ,embedded her 1st VoiceThread in a school webpage! Another teacher finished editing her curriculum map by linking to current standards.I love helping other succeed! Also, the faculty came together in the afternoon for reports from the reaccreditation self-study. The term 21st Century skills was used often. Another teacher leaned towards me and whispered, "Shat exactly do they think the term 21st Century Skills includes?"

So I started on a quest...
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills describes four elements as a framework for
21st century student outcomes.

They are:
Mastery of Core Subjects and 21st Century Themes
Learning and Innovation Skills
Information Media and Technology Skills
Life and Career Skills

Well, this morning in my InBox, Lucy Gray had a reflection post that included the following list of her favorite links. Thank you Lucy for feeding me just what I needed to peruse and share. Enjoy spending time this holiday weekend catching up.

from Lucy for recommending the following resources for investigating the idea of 21st Century Skills:

1) The Global Achievement Gap by Tony Wagner (Tony's website:

2) The Partnership for 21st Century Skills

3) 21st Century Literacies: Tools for Reading the World
4) 21st Century Learning

5) The Emergent 21st Century Teacher, Mark Treadwell
Thanks for great clipart to the right.

6) The Metiri Group: What's So Different About the 21st Century?

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