Monday, March 26, 2012

Use Water Wisely

The Project WET Foundation’s new DiscoverWater website is a free online resource for students and teachers about water and water-related topics, including water on Earth, the water cycle, oceans, fresh water, watersheds, water conservation and protection, direct and indirect water use, and water and health.
Click Here to Visit Website

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Discover Who’s Doing What in STEM

The new STEMconnector website serves as a one-stop national gateway for “who’s doing what” in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. The site features detailed profiles and uses the latest technology to connect massive amounts of data found within the STEM Pipeline for users. STEMconnector profile categories include National STEM Organizations; Corporations, Professional Organizations, Associations and Professional Societies; Diversity Groups; Women & Girls; Think Tanks; Foundations; Federal Government; National Laboratories; Education; International Organizations and more. Numerous categories and subcategories are included, and extensive information about STEM programs, missions and linkages are cross-indexed. In 2012 the site will be adding more content, including research reports, information on internships and scholarships. Users will also have the ability to update profiles.
Click Here to Visit Website

Friday, March 16, 2012

Project Yourself into the Future

Project Yourself into the Future
Imagining tomorrow’s America today, FutureStates is a series of independent mini-features—short narrative films created by established filmmakers and emerging talents transforming today’s complex social issues into visions about what life in America will be like in decades to come. Forecast future events and explore the predictions left by others in the Predict-o-Meter, an immersive timeline.
Click Here to Visit Website

Friday, March 2, 2012

Another goodie from Aunt Lee

Is a great list from Aunt Lee of Free Ebooks. Use it for yourself professionally, for fun or for your students.

Thursday, March 1, 2012 from Aunt Lee

"Thought I'd let you know that I have put up a custom Google search engine that searches for free e-books:

I've gotten a bit obsessed with building a digital library for my household; I built the thing to save myself time but thought others might find it useful.  I also put up a couple of tutorials on the whole e-book process."