Friday, February 24, 2012


We hope all Memphis area educators will join us for this FREE professional development event:

What: A time for educators from the Memphis area to gather and share technology-focused lessons that include 21st Century skills to enhance and encourage innovative education in our classrooms.

Who: Teachers, Administrators, Assistants, College Education Majors, Home School educators, or anyone interested in education
When: Thursday, April 19th from 4:30-8:00pm Sessions begin at 5pm.
Pizza will be provided by MAIS-TEC from 4:30-4:55.
Where: Presbyterian Day School
4025 Poplar Ave.
Memphis, TN 38111
Time: 4:30-8:00pm CST
Cost: FREE

Presentations will be 20 minutes in length. You can sign up to attend and present on our website.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Discover Innovative Ways to Use Technology in Education

Blackboard and NBC Learn have launched Solutions in Action, an online video seriesfocusing on innovative and successful examples of technology in education. Hosted by NBC News’ Chief Education Correspondent Rehema Ellis, the videos explore topics that range from new systems to better measure student progress, to virtual platforms that expand access to new and unique subjects in the classroom and project-based design technologies. The series highlights some of education’s top influencers and their contributions inside and outside the classroom. The first three episodes feature the following innovators: Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, President of University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Julie Young, President and CEO of Florida Virtual Schools; and Marc Ecko, Fashion Designer and Founder, Sweat Equity Education.
Click Here to View Video Episodes

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Video - How to Find Creative Commons Images

Video - How to Find Creative Commons Images

I generally don't get too bothered or inconvenienced by changes that Google makes to its free products and services. After all, they're free. One change that did inconvenience me and I'm sure plenty of others is the change Google made a few months ago to their image search interface. The change took the advanced search options off of the front page. Since that change was made I've had a few people email me with requests for help finding Creative Commons images through Google. Therefore, I put together the short screencast that you should see embedded below. Consider this as a video update to my Google for Teachers ebooks.

Click here if you cannot see the video. 
This post originally appeared on Free Technology for Teachers. Follow on Google+Facebook, or Twitter. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Explore Ancient and Modern Calendars

Calendars Through the Ages is a website sponsored by the Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA), a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing the public’s knowledge of science and culture. The site begins with an in-depth look at the astronomical basis of calendars. Significant historical calendars (such as the Roman and Mayan) and currently used international calendars (Jewish, Chinese and Islamic) are covered in Various Calendars. In the Do It Yourself section, students can make a calendar page by watching the moon everyday for a month and learning about the phases of the moon. To find out how their observations of the real sky match up with predictions, students can see a simulation of the whole month or a single day at a time.
Click Here to Visit Website 
Click Here to Visit Do It Yourself Page

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Share Stories Honoring Military Families

Inspired by the film The Way We Get By, the Returning Home website allows families and friends to become troop greeters by sending encouraging messages to American soldiers through user-generated content and virtual care packages.
Click Here to Visit Website

Monday, February 6, 2012

Six Week Rule-Plannig for Spring Break?

It is a beautiful day in West Tennessee. It doesn't seem like winter at all. This makes me long for Spring Break..Florida.... Cardinal Baseball. Here are some sites from Budget Travel to help you with your dreams.
"In a press release, a spokesperson for ARC clarified that, “We’re not advising people to purchase tickets only at this time during the cycle as there is no guarantee they will receive the lowest price of the year.”
In other words, airline sale alerts from sites like AirfareWatchdog and ticket price monitors, such as Yapta, continue to be useful. For a specific route, you can also check out the predictions of whether fares may go up or down within the next week by using Bing Travel. If your dates are flexible, you may benefit from using a fare calendar, such as the one on metasearch sites Kayak and Google Flights.

Is the study meaningful? Critics will point out that, if a large number of travelers find out about the six-week rule and start buying at that time, the pattern will change for everyone. The retort to this is that most people aren't reading websites like this and won't change their behavior even if they hear about the rule."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Newt Knows (not a Political opinion)

Don't worry, this is not a political editorial.  

By now you've probably heard Republican Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich's comments last week that by the end of his second term in office (provided he's elected and re-elected) there will be an American base on the moon. If you didn't hear Newt's comments last week, The Atlantic has a piece on it right now. 

Newt Gingrich's comments and the aforementioned article in The Atlantic made me think about NASA's role-playing game Moonbase Alpha. Moonbase Alpha is an online game developed by NASA to be played on the Steam online gaming platformMoonbase Alpha a simulation game in which players assume the role of an astronaut working to repair equipment in order to restore oxygen delivery to a settlement on the moon. The game can be played by up to six players at a time who communicate using voice over communication. 

See the trailer for Moonbase Alpha in the video below. 

Applications for Education 
Put a classroom discussion of Newt Gingrich's comments together with Moonbase Alpha and you might have a nice little lesson covering both Civics and Space Science.
This post originally appeared on Free Technology for Teachers.